Saturday, October 19, 2013

Hi. I'm Marcia.

Circa April 2013, preparing to move to LA- note the granola bar and green juice* in the foreground.
(*My friends in New Jersey confuse this substance with their regular drinking water)

If you're reading this right now you fall under one of two categories. Either you're a responsible friend who's visiting this site out of a sense of duty or compassion- thanks, by the way- or, you accidentally landed on this page while trying to search for something else. If you're trying to find My Own Velcade, try again (and I feel sorry for you). If you're trying to find information on this Indonesian pop album, you're out of luck. I'm not very big in Indonesia... yet.

To both sets of visitors, welcome to my blog. I know I won't have your attention for long, so before you begin to refine your Google search- consider this.

I'm a fucking awesome storyteller.

I'm not talking tall tales, I'm referring to real life stuff. That lunatic on the subway doesn't look at you when he yells about slavery, or Xanadu, or elves. No, he looks at me! Odd stripes gravitate toward me and odd happenings happen to me. I call it my Special Something. I can also do this (don't mind my fellow beat boxer's giant cold sore) and even this

How did I come up with the title My Own Decade? Well, I have a two part mission with this endeavor. First, to acknowledge that my twenties, and really all my years thus far, have been... funny. Second, to harness my future as a Thirtysomething. Some might say that my timing is all wrong- I'm now way too old to be an Olympian, or to be on American Idol. I'm sadly slipping into a black hole marketing demographic where nobody cares what I listen to or buy.

I may be too old to recognize anyone in Us Magazine. And I may be too young to 'Tox regularly (that's a slang verb I made up which means to Botox. It's about to become the new twerk). But I do have new goals, new visions, and a new purpose for living. Stay tuned to hear about what they are, and come along for the ride if you like. You'll be a better person for it, and I'll be a household name. It's a win-win. 

1 comment:

  1. Staying tuned! Last Wednesday was my dad's birthday. More importantly, it was my half birthday, and I'm officially 29.5. I haven't really given much thought to turning 30, but heck yea, if we're going to be here, we might as well own it. Love this!
